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Saturday, August 5, 2017

Inequality Issues

I have yet to hear from any podcast members, so I with the alternative route. According to the Center on the Developing Child, they work globally to build a broader movement to achieve breakthrough outcomes for children around the world ( Center on the Developing Child at Harvard University, 2010). The center works with countries such as Brazil, Mexico, and Canada; other countries are involved as well. 

The Núcleo Ciência Pela Infância (NCPI) is a collaborative that involves the Center on the Developing Child, and other major corporations throughout Brazil that partnered together to create a science driven early childhood movement to inform policymakers on how to apply science to Early Childhood programs. This is a good collaborative because science has a lot to do with Education from the teaching standpoint and the benefits of helping children learn through exploration.

Canada has the Albertha Family Wellness Initiative a program in which science plays a big role as well. Like Brazil, Canada uses science of child development to inform public policies. They support research in early brain and biological development, mental health, etc and translate the research. This is a good program that can also be used in the United States so that others can see the benefits of science working in the Early Childhood field. It also helps policy makers to make decisions based upon the research of scientist, which will be very beneficial to children, especially those of Early Childhood. 

The equity is strong in the countries because they want all children to succeed. The Center on Child the Developing Child has three propositions that guide their international work and they are:
  • Coordinated strategies to support child development can multiply the effects of investments in child survival, health, education, and economic development.
  • We need to protect children from significant adversity, in addition to providing them with enriched learning opportunities.
  • The early childhood years are critical building blocks for lifelong health, not just school readiness (Center on the Developing Child at Harvard University, 2010).
All three points focus around children, and there is not one race or culture being singled out

Center on the Developing Child at Harvard University. (2010). Global children's initiative. Retrieved from

Walden University M.S. in Early Childhood Studies

Formative Evaluative Criteria for Applications and Reflective Essays

Quality of Work Submitted

Work reflects graduate-level critical, analytical thinking.
A: Exemplary Work

A = 4.00; A- = 3.75

All of the previous, in addition to the following:
B: Graduate Level Work
B+ = 3.50; B = 3.00;
B- = 2.75
All of the previous, in addition to the following:
C: Minimal Work

C+ = 2.50; C = 2.00;
C- = 1.75
F: Work Submitted but Unacceptable

F = 1.00

Adherence to Assignment Expectations

The extent to which work meets the assigned criteria.

Assignment exceeds expectations,
integrating additional material and/or information.

Assignment demonstrates exceptional breadth and depth.

All parts of the assignment are completed, with fully developed topics.

The work is presented in a thorough and detailed manner.

Assignment demonstrates appropriate breadth and depth.
Most parts of assignment are completed.

Topics are not fully developed.

Assignment   demonstrates minimal depth and breadth.
Does not fulfill the expectations of the assignment.

Key components are not included.

Assignment lacks breadth and depth.
Assimilation and Synthesis of Ideas

The extent to which the work reflects the student’s ability to-

  1. Understand the assignment’s purpose;
  2. Understand and analyze material in videos, readings, and
  1. Apply          presented strategies
**May include, but are not limited to, scholarly articles, collegial discussions; information from conferences, in service, faculty development, and/or meetings. .

Demonstrates the ability intellectually  to explore and/or implement key instructional concepts.

Demonstrates exceptional inclusion of major points, using creditable sources**, in addition to course videos or required readings.

Demonstrates insightful reflection and/or critical thinking.

Demonstrates a clear understanding of the assignment’s purpose.

Includes specific information from course videos or required readings to support major points.

Provides careful consideration of key instructional concepts.

Shows some degree of understanding of the assignment’s purpose.

Generally applies theories, concepts, and/or strategies correctly, with ideas unclear and/or underdeveloped

Minimally includes specific information from course videos or required readings.

Shows a lack of understanding of the assignment’s purpose.

Does not apply theories, concepts, and/or strategies

Does not include specific information from course videos or required readings.
Written Expression and Formatting

The extent to which scholarly, critical, analytical writing is presented in APA format;

Standard Edited English ( i.e. correct grammar, mechanics).

Represents scholarly writing in a correct APA format.

Work is unified around a central purpose with well-developed ideas, logically organized in paragraph structure with clear transitions.

Effective sentence variety; clear, concise, and powerful expression are evident.

Work is written in Standard Edited English. No prominent errors interfere with reading.

Work is well organized with correct APA formatting  throughout.

Ideas are clearly and concisely expressed.

Elements of effective communication such as an introduction and  conclusion are included.

Work is written in Standard Edited English with few, if any, grammatical or mechanical errors

Somewhat represents mature, scholarly, graduate-level writing, with APA generally followed.

Ideas are not clearly and concisely expressed.

Elements of effective communication such as an introduction and  conclusion are not included.

Work contains more than a few grammatical, or mechanical errors.

The quality of writing and/or APA formatting are not acceptable for graduate level work.

Major points do not reflect appropriate elements of communication.  

No effort to express ideas clearly and concisely.

Work is not written in Standard Edited English. Contains many grammatical or mechanical errors
Final Assignment Grade

A: Exemplary Work

A = 4.00; A- = 3.75

B: Graduate Level Work
B+ = 3.50; B = 3.00;
B- = 2.75
C: Minimal Work

C+ = 2.50; C = 2.00;
C- = 1.75
F: Work Submitted but Unacceptable
F = 1.00


  1. Chanelle,

    I also researched the AFWI. The website had a lot of information and other links that gave helpful tips about how to help not only the family but the children reach their full potential. It talked heavily about brain development and activity which is helpful when teaching infants. I also did not see any information that said they were helping only one specific type of child or family. Good job!!

  2. I enjoyed your post, Chanelle :)

    I do like how your pinpointed that Canada is focusing its efforts in cognitive field of early childhood. While its understood that majority of our life experiences and neural pathways are created before age 5, it is not truly understood how our enviornment and environmental influences help dictate the neural architecture and wiring of young mind- even suggesting that it helps shapes personality traits. By investing and utilizing cognitive research on brain development, we are able yo plan and implement better strategies to combat the detrimental effects of neurological damage during the formative years of the most vulnerable of children.children


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